other ways to set up language versions?

This is a place to discuss how to adapt mojoPortal to the needs of different cultures. Before asking questions here please first review the localization documentation.

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5/26/2009 7:32:57 AM
Total Posts 18

other ways to set up language versions?


I looking at the features in mp to see if its suitable for my project. 

I've been reading the localization documentation and it says that language site should be set up using a subdomain the example being; fr.somedomain.com

I dont find this method good for a few reasons, partly as it makes the French site look a little like an after thought. But more specifically in my case I want to need to be able to make separate sites (on sub domains) for users.

Is there another way to do this? either by using an additional folder structure (i.e. ~/en-UK/ )or by just purchasing the extra country specific domain names (i.e. www.somedomain.fr)

Buying the country specific domain names may not be ideal, as its country specific and not Language which is what I need.

Also I need to integrate my additional site tables to the existing localisation table structure I've found mp_GeoCountry, mp_StoreLanguage, mp_Language.

Is that it or have i missed some?


5/26/2009 7:51:20 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: other ways to set up language versions?


I've been reading the localization documentation and it says that language site should be set up using a subdomain the example being; fr.somedomain.com

I may have said that somewhere in older documentation, but my current recommendation for multiple language sites is to use folder based sub sites as documented here:


and using related sites mode.

So your main language would be the root site like:
and you would have any number of folder based sub sites 

or whatever you want for the folders.

It is also possible to do it with host name based multi sites, in that case you can use any host name or alteranate domain names like

Those are both just host names as far as the mutli site feature is concerned.

To me the big advantages of the folder based solution is that because they all use the same domain you can secure all sites with a single SSL certificate. And if using related sites mode once a user is signed into any of the sites he is signed into all of them so he can navigte around seemlessly as if it was all one site. Authentication cookies are always per domain so in folder based sub sites the authentication cookie is shared because they all have the same domain, but with differenthost names you get a different authentication cookie per site so you have to sign into each one separately.

Hope it helps,


8/7/2009 12:48:59 PM
Total Posts 3

Re: other ways to set up language versions?

I understand the recommendation you have for a seperate site per language and that is how I have implemented websites in the past. But for the specific site using your portal, I would like to not do it this way.

The reason is, I would like the data shared between the languages such as calendar & blog. I would just want the menu & html modules's data in specific languages.

Thanks, makes sense?

8/7/2009 12:59:08 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: other ways to set up language versions?

Sorry but I have no solution to achieve that. 



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