Poll/Survey issue (possibly related to sql2008?)

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5/17/2009 6:27:58 PM
Total Posts 1

Poll/Survey issue (possibly related to sql2008?)

So I don't know when exactly but probably after upgrading to i can't add any new surveys and polls.

I ran the sql tracer and got the actuall querys and ran them to see the error.

The error pretty much indicated that it could not insert the value of type varchar into the datetime field.
Now this was due to it was running (sorry vpn went down so I can't get the error message exactly) but the datetime it was trying to insert was formatted: "2009-05-17 10:55:03.03494" which looks like it does not like because it has 5 digits after the dot. When i reduced it to "2009-05-17 10:55:03.034" it inserted the form post correctly (so i think) into the database again but it still did not show them in the grid.

Now I did mess around a bit more and using datetime2 for the declaration fixed this but I think datetime2 is a sql2008 thing www.sqlpass.org/LearningCenter/TechnicalArticles/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/38.aspx .

Now I wouldnt be so nervous if tomorrow I'm supposed to add some internal employee sureveys and they are not showing up.

I went ahead and built trunk yesterday but same nogo.

Here's our setup:

Microsoft Winblows 2008 - 32bit IIS7
Microsoft Sql 2008 - Enterprize
Mojoportal (and now but would like to revert back to stable).

Once the lazy vpn admin get's out of bed and kicks the juniper I probably can post the error messages.

Oh I also had some results being able to actually get what I posted to show up in the database truncating what it inserted using Left(@datetime, 20) but honestly i'm just trying to save somebody's a** so I finnaly took the step to figure .net out to a point where I can start to get dangerous ;-). (ruby guy....) ;-)

5/18/2009 12:00:46 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Poll/Survey issue (possibly related to sql2008?)


I'm running SQL 2008 locally and not having any troubles. Can you look in the mojoportal log for a related error and post the stack trace. The log is under admin menu > System Log, newest errors at the bottom. Best to clear the log then cause the errr then look and get the stack trace.

Hope it helps,


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