You're right, I was working form those those assumptions, and I'm not entirely convinced I'm wrong with the second one.
I'll start by explaining what I'm trying to achieve, and then detail the issues I'm having.
I want to create creating a web service off my main domain name:
As an example:
I'll just start off by saying I DID get the web service to work. However, I needed to put it into the root folder and make sure I didn't deploy Web.config over Mojo portal's web.config. But this isn't what I wanted - I wanted to put web services in their own distinct locations. Anyway - this confirms that first point you were saying - I don't need the whole source code.
My second assumption was made because I can't deploy the web service to any other folder than the root folder. For instance, I publish to a sub-folder (going through the standard IIS steps too) and I get an error message every time:
Attempt to access the following service:
I get this shown in the address bar:
"We're sorry but a server error has occurred while trying to process your request.
The error has been logged and will be reviewed by our staff as soon as possible. It is possible that the error was just a momentary hiccup and you may wish to use the back button and try again or go back to the home page."
This is the same error that the original poster had which is how I found this site. This is from the standard Error.htm/ErrorPage.aspx for Mojoportal (hence the assumption that Mojoportal was involved).
Also - there is no entry in the System Log - so I'm not sure where it is "logging" this error to.
Anyway - this error was useless to me so I turned CustomErrors off and then it gives me this:
Could not load file or assembly 'mojoPortal.Web' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
In other words, it was my assumption that mojoPortal is somehow attempting to come in (maybe with the url rewriter) but failing to load due to the fact that mojoPortal doesn't actually exist in this web application (i.e. none of the mojoportal DLLs are there).
So I went through the process of adding in one by one the files it asked for (well, said were missing).
After adding 5 DLLs it said: it couldn't locate:
In other words, to get this to work I would have to have almost an entire duplicate copy of mojoPortal in my sub-application folder just so my sub application would work. Although I guess this is possible, it isn't a realistic option, especially if I want to have a number of sub-application folders.
I'm happy to put my hand up here and say that I'm just getting started on this and I might be making a newbie mistake. However, by all appearances it DOES look like mojoPortal is interfering with the URL for my .asmx and is blocking me from adding sub-folders and sub-applications to a domain managed by mojoPortal.
P.S. I have VS 2008 and my company is only just now in the process of upgrading to 2010 which is why I haven't gone down the Source Code option.