This is a forum to suggest new features for mojoPortal.
How much trouble would it be to put in some kind of format control for the dates in the Blog. I'd like to be able to shorten things down to just "April 7, 2009" or "05/07/2009" things like that. I'm using the Blog feature in Mojo for a Company News listing and then using the Feed Manager on the Home page to link to the RSS. When the date shows up in the feed it is way too long for the little right hand section that I have it in and runs over two lines.
Thanks Rob
Ive had to go into the user control and in the code behind is a datahelper function (or something similar) where i changed the date to a short format. Hope that helps
I've made a note to add a setting to allow choosing the date format. I'll try to get to that for the next release.
Is there any way to turn off the date/time format string in the RSS feeds altogether? I'm pulling in information from an outside events calendar and having the date there is really confusing.