One of my customers uses Flash in their skin. Just include the javscript in the head of your layout.master
<script type="text/javascript" src='/ClientScript/swfobject.js'></script>
Then they have something like this also in layout.master. They used a separate skin for their home page vs the rest of the site becaus ethey have a big flash movie on the home page.
<!-- start main flash banner -->
<div class="flashcontent" id="flashcontent">
<a href="http://www.adobe.com/go/get/flashplayer/" target="_blank"><img alt="Get Adobe Flash Player" src="./images/community_noflashver.jpg" width="925" height="340" /></a>
<script type="text/javascript">
var so = new SWFObject('/Data/Sites/1/flash/banner.swf', "mymovie", "925", "340", "8", "#ffffff");
so.addVariable('moviePath', '/Data/Sites/1/flash/movie.swf');
so.addVariable('basePath', '/Data/Sites/1/flash/');
<!-- end main flash banner -->
I once worked on a .NET wrapper to make it easier but I can't remember if I finished it, but it would be added to laytout.master like this:
<mp:FlashMovie id="flash1" runat="server"
<mp:FlashParameter runat="server" Name="menu" Value="false" />
<mp:FlashVariable runat="server" Name="approot"
Value='<%# Request.ApplicationPath %>' />
Not sure if it works, but maybe worth a try.
The FCKeditor also has a toolbar item for inserting Flash movies in content.
I recommend using both google analytics and woopra. They provide a lot of information and reports, but there is nothing implemented at the moment to track anything by user profile properties. We do track (automatically in google analytics) authenticated users as "Members" and we track customers who have purchased from the store as "Customers".
Hope it helps,