the leftside div

A place for discussion about skinning and design. Before posting questions here you should review the documentation about creating skins.

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3/31/2009 3:29:32 PM
Total Posts 3

the leftside div

Is there a way to provide a background image at the top and bottom of the leftside div and to make it always appear without having to go in page by page and fill it with content. I need to provide images at the top and the bottom and plan on writing something to make a thought for a day appear there in the middle of the two images.

I am new to this cms but found it reasonable in most ways and it meets the requirements of the site.

4/1/2009 9:48:05 AM
Total Posts 3

Re: the leftside div

So far this is what I came up with. To create an leftside container and then create a top div,bottom div and trying to leave the leftside that comes with the cms. It looks ok so far and I am thinking about scrapping the leftcontent area stuff from the cms and jsut writing something else instead for the quote of the day type stuff.

A word about the way the content is enabled into the three basic area's. There should be a way in the admin to either enable globbally all the left or right and define a source. So far if you wanted to say have the same picture or module in all of the left or right divs would have to be decided almost on a page by page basis. There should be a way to specify say a specific div always displays or not.

4/1/2009 10:34:21 AM
Total Posts 4

Re: the leftside div

Just add a new style or modify existing one in FCKEditor (ClientScript / fckeditor / editor). On this way you have to select all of the text/content that you want to format by simply click within the style/paragraph that you want to format and then choose your style from the options available.  That work-around, though not ideal works for me.


4/1/2009 11:02:47 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: the leftside div

You can add any static html you like into layout.master of your skin to show it on every page that uses the skin. You can enable per page skins in Site Settings and then be able to specify different skins on pages if you want to theme certain sections of your site differently. When a new page is created, by default it will inherit the same skin as its parent page unless its a root level page then it will use the site default skin. You can change the skin on any page though, its just a default.

If you want to use a content instance on all pages (that is all pages using a given skin) without having to add it to each page in content manager, you can do it using a ModuleWrapper control in your layout.master as documented here:

Hope it helps,


4/1/2009 11:34:11 AM
Total Posts 3

Re: the leftside div

Thanks that makes sense to me to try that next. I am learning this as I go and even tho I have been through the docs a couple of times I keep going back and forth to them as I miss something and then have to re-look. All in all things are pretty straight forward and I like the system so far and would like to see it get more press.


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