Hi all,
I've build a web-application for the automation of a part of a factory enviroment. Now I have been asked to build a web-application that concerns another part of the factory. I've used mojo for the first application and I would like to use it for the second application. The customer has no DNS server installed in the factory environment.
So, I access mojoportal using localhost on the server. I gave the host of webapplication the name of the server e.g. Server2003. I can access mojo on the server using localhost and I can access the application using http:\\Server2003\MyApplication anywhere in the factory network.
I would like to define the new application under mojo. The problem is I have to assign it to another site. That's difficult without a proper DNS host. Would it not be better not to have to specify the site. Is there a way to do this?
Or is there another neat solution to this problem (without defining a second mojoportal app)?