Hi Kurt,
There is no relation to any indexing error because of your resource file, I see no evidence of any relation to that, nor can I conceive it based on my knowledge of the code. If it seems related to you I think its just coincidental things making you think that.
The only thing I would check is to make sure the .resx file is encoded as UTF-8 not ansi, but that will not cause any index related error if its wrong.
Nor do I see any clues about index errors in what you have posted.
INFO logging is just info.
Tasks may run a little longer after finishing their work, they do some thread sleeps and some checs whether more work is needed. A task may get requeued but when it runs it may find it has no work left to do, its just timing issues, if it has nothing to do it will sleep a little check again and then end.
IndexWriter swallowed exception
is an expected error to log if the index has not yet been created.
If you are not in medium trust and it did not solve the problem I would remove Lucene.Net.lockdir key from user.config