mojoPortal work like a charmwith mono 2.2 now, except a few bugs.
I made a big mistake, when i installed mono on my new webserver. - I am telling you this, because i don't want you to du the same mistake again.
I messed a bit around with the source-packages, and the daily build stuff. so i got some kind of a mixed system.
To get a working mono-2.2 on debian, you can take all packages from their source-download site
First i compiled mono-2.2, after that xsp, mod_mono and finally libgdiplus.
After that i got a working mono-2.2.
I had to set up apache2 with a vhost like this:
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /home/yourdomain/wwwroot/
ErrorLog /home/yourdomain/log/myaspx_error.log
LogLevel error
TransferLog /home/yourdomain/log/myaspx_access.log
# Mono stugg
MonoPath default "/usr/local/lib/mono/2.0"
MonoServerPath default /usr/local/bin/mod-mono-server2
AddMonoApplications default "/:/home/yourdomain/wwwroot"
<location />
MonoSetServerAlias default
SetHandler mono
<Directory /home/yourdomain/wwwroot/>
<FilesMatch "\.(gif|jp?g|png|css|ico|xsl|wmv)$">
SetHandler None
Options Indexes
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
allow from all
I hope this simplies it a bit, if it is your first time doing vhosts on apache2....
Note: I am in general a windows user, so my knowledge on configuring apache2 is just very basic.
For mojoPortal i used:
Short install instructions for mojoPortal 2-2-8-2-c with Mono 2.2 on Linux with MySQL Database:
1. Extract the first archive a) and copy the wwwroot as your web root folder.
2. Extract all .dll files from archive b) into the wwwroot/bin/ folder.
3. Give write-access to all files and folders, including Data in wwwroot/Data to your webservers user/group (mostly www-data).
4.* cp user.config.sample user.config ... copy the sample user.config and adjust inside the MySQL connection string. ---> Thats all
5. Browse to your site, and watch Setup performing well.
I noticed a few bugs now at my server:
4.* - The user.config file is not taken by the mod-mono-server2 from mod_mono apache2. i dont know why, when running xsp2 instead from cmdline, it works. --> The solution was to edit the Web.config directly and just change the MySql connection string to my needs.
Another bug is, that i cant change the password. its not updated. --> THATS AN IMPORTANT BUG.
I hope Joe has a fix for it soon.