Install on intranet site

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Post here for help with installation of mojoPortal pre-compiled release packages

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  • What version of mojoPortal are you running?
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1/5/2009 9:12:36 AM
Total Posts 2

Install on intranet site


I want to install mojoportal to intranet site, When I set UseGoogleCDN = false,

I getting error <script type="text/javascript">$('div.yui-navset').each(function(n){var myTabs = new YAHOO.widget.TabView(;})

I use mojoportal-2-2-8-1, I have copy yui-252 to ClientScript

Any ideas?




1/5/2009 9:16:47 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Install on intranet site

You also need jQuery. For both YUI and jQuery you need to look at the settings in Web.config for specifying the paths to the script. You should ideally put them in user.config

Look for these settings and make sure they a re correct according to where you put YUI and jQuery:

<add key="YUIBasePath" value="~/ClientScript/yui-252/" />
<add key="YUITabCss" value="~/ClientScript/yui-252/assets/skins/sam/tabview.css" />
<add key="YUISkinImagePath" value="/ClientScript/yui-252/assets/skins/sam/" />
<add key="YUIDefaultSkinFolder" value="sam" />
<add key="YUIDefaultSkinClass" value="yui-skin-sam" />
<add key="DisableYUI" value="false" />
<add key="jQueryBasePath" value="~/ClientScript/jquery126/" />

Though really there is no reason not to use google CDN even in an intranet unless your users do not have access to the internet.

Hope it helps,


1/5/2009 9:57:57 AM
Total Posts 2

Re: Install on intranet site



thanks for your replay.

<add key="YUIBasePath" value="~/ClientScript/yui-252/" />
<add key="YUITabCss" value="~/ClientScript/yui-252/assets/skins/sam/tabview.css" />
<add key="YUISkinImagePath" value="/ClientScript/yui-252/assets/skins/sam/" />
<add key="YUIDefaultSkinFolder" value="sam" />
<add key="YUIDefaultSkinClass" value="yui-skin-sam" />
<add key="DisableYUI" value="false" />
<add key="jQueryBasePath" value="~/ClientScript/jquery126/" />
<add key="jQueryUIBasePath" value="~/ClientScript/jqueryui16b/" />

I have set this config to web.config and make sure all files exists on that folders. when I run use mojoportal-2-2-8-1, I still getting error

<script type="text/javascript">$('div.yui-navset').each(function(n){var myTabs = new YAHOO.widget.TabView(;})

but when i run mojoportal-2-2-8-0, is working properly

What is different 2-2-8-0 and 2-2-8-1? any document/file history that I can see.



1/5/2009 1:05:10 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Install on intranet site

It works for me so I think you don't have something correct in your settings. You need to view the source of the rendered page and see the javascript links for jquery and for yui and make sure they are correct and pointing to the existing files.

Hope it helps,


3/23/2009 4:27:34 AM
Total Posts 98

Re: Install on intranet site


I don't have the folder yui-252 in my ClientScript .

Where is it?

I have version 2-2-8-6 of mojoportal

3/23/2009 7:41:49 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Install on intranet site

We no longer ship YUI with mojoPortal, we did a long time ago but its a lot of files so we removed them and now load YUI from the google CDN. You can download YUI and jQuery and configure it to load locally by specifying the correct paths where you put the yui and jquery and then set usegooglecdn to false. For YUI the path must map to the yui build folder. You can download YUI copy the build folder beneath /ClientScript and then rename it to yui-version then specify it in Web.config path settings.

Hope it helps,


11/9/2009 7:05:30 AM
Total Posts 171
I am a Russian programmer

Re: Install on intranet site

In file YuiGridView.cs  ->

cssLink.Text = "\n<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='"+ protocol + "://"+ "' />";

and not used UseGoogleCDN

Joe, Please correct YuiGridView.cs  !

11/11/2009 9:46:27 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Install on intranet site


I wish I had seen this sooner, I would have fixed it for the release.

However, I think you can work around it.

In your layout.master, manually add the correct stylesheet link for your local copy of YUI.

Then to prevent the mojo code form adding the google cdn version, add this also in the <head></head> section:

<asp:Literal id="yui-datatable" runat="server" Text=" " />

The code will see this and think the css is already loaded.

I will fix this for the next release.

Hope it helps,


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