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When I download the source code, add my own seperate stuff and recompile it (VS2003) I get the following:
D:\mojoportal\Web\BlogCategoryEdit.aspx.cs(101): 'mojoPortal.Business.Blog' does not contain a definition for 'GetCategoriesList'D:\mojoportal\Web\BlogCategoryEdit.aspx.cs(156): 'mojoPortal.Business.Blog' does not contain a definition for 'UpdateBlogCategory'D:\mojoportal\Web\BlogEdit.aspx.cs(159): 'mojoPortal.Business.Blog' does not contain a definition for 'GetCategoriesList'D:\mojoportal\Web\Components\SiteModuleControl.cs(28): 'mojoPortal.Web.SiteModuleControl.OnInit(System.EventArgs)' hides inherited member 'System.Web.UI.UserControl.OnInit(System.EventArgs)'. To make the current member override that implementation, add the override keyword. Otherwise add the new keyword.D:\mojoportal\Web\Components\SiteUtils.cs(1104): The variable 'ex' is declared but never usedD:\mojoportal\Web\ForumThreadEdit.aspx.cs(117): Property or indexer 'mojoPortal.Business.ForumThread.Subject' cannot be assigned to -- it is read onlyD:\mojoportal\Web\ForumThreadEdit.aspx.cs(119): 'mojoPortal.Business.ForumThread.UpdateThread()' is inaccessible due to its protection level
I did not have this problem when I moved to the previous release. Is there something missing?
If Joe is using VS 2003 properly, the order of compilation is defined in the solution.
I think I used the src zip file. I'll try it with the code from SVN.