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Some Spanish accents are not displayed correctly:
MiPágina = Mi página
Mapa de la p&aacutegina = Mapa de la página
Número de Entradas = Número de entradas
Notificación de Respuestas: = Notificación de Respuestas:
I just looked in the file and I see that a lot of the items were html encoded inside the resource file and they should not be. If I knew Spanish I would fix it myself but I don't so will need someone else to fix it.
It only needs a table of equivalence between accented characters and html coding and edit to replace them all.
How do you send files corrected?
If you can zip the files and send them to me at joe dot audette at gmail dotcom it would be great!
Hi Joe!!
I also had problems with the "Mexican-Spanish" translation.
I think that the file is not ready for production.
But given that Mexican spanish and General spanish have very little differences it's best to just replace the content of with file and that's it!
You should also do it in because it's displaying menus wrong (I am visiting the site from Mexico and i see "my page" as "MiPágina" instead of "Mi página")
If I ever find anything very mexican specific I'll send the file to you and buy you a beer
Greetings from México!
Thanks! I have copied the es to es-MX so it will be fixed in the next release.