This is the place to report bugs and get support. When posting in this forum, please always provide as much detail as possible.
Please do not report problems with a custom build or custom code in this forum. If you are producing your own build from the source code and have problems or questions, ask in the developer forum, do not report it as a bug.
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I am new user of mojoPortal and maybe my suggestions are rather outdated but still:
1) We don't have search for the forum. This leads to the repetitive topics. (maybe my suggestions had already been made :) )
2) for Bugs - it should be better to use some BugTracking system instead of forum
3) on page link is broken or outdated
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Best Regards,
Hi Artyom,
1. The main site search does search the forums.
2. We may be moving to Codeplex soon, and if we do we will have a formal issue tracker there in addtion to the forums.
3. Thanks for pointing that out, I've updated it to a newer link at, though this link is for .NET 3.5 and mojoPortal currently targets 2.0, it should be mostly correct and eventually we will target 3.5.