Different formats for modules

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9/15/2008 10:51:57 AM
Total Posts 32

Different formats for modules

Is it possible to format left, centre and right modules so that they have different formatting via the CSS? For example, one set of background images for the left and another for the right.


Many thanks in advance.


9/16/2008 7:34:14 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Different formats for modules

Hi Shaun,

Yes its possible. You need to study the rendered markup to find css class names you can use to achieve it.

For example if I want the background of modules in the left pane to  be different I can do something like this:

.leftside .modulecontent {background-color: yellow;}

You would want to put these changes near the bottom of your css file so they override any setting above.

Hope it helps,


9/17/2008 5:25:20 AM
Total Posts 32

Re: Different formats for modules

Hooray! Thanks very much geezer, that worked a treat.



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