Registration Agreements

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8/30/2008 8:25:14 PM
Total Posts 180
Thomas F. Heringer

Registration Agreements

On the documentation for a registration agreement you mention reading agreements at other sites. Can we have a couple of links for samples to get started? I have one with basics at this point, but would like it to be more through.

8/31/2008 5:42:49 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Registration Agreements

I have no advice on best practices for registration agreements or links to refer you to. I would say it depends on the purpose of the site. I would look at sites with similar purpose. If you're working on a church site for example, I would look at other church sites and find example verbiage. Be aware that these agreements may also be copyrighted and if you copy significant portions it might be best to get permission before using verbiage you find. If you just get ideas and then write your own I think you will be on track.

Hope it helps,


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