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Hi Joe, while I was trying to duplicate a module in another page I found an error. (I'm using SQLite as DB) If I'm not wrong, there are 2 missing comma in mojoPortal.Data.SQLite\dbModule.cs, at line 723 and 737, here below after PublishBeginDate:
StringBuilder sqlCommand = new StringBuilder(); sqlCommand.Append("INSERT INTO mp_PageModules ("); sqlCommand.Append("ModuleID, "); sqlCommand.Append("PageID, "); sqlCommand.Append("PaneName, "); sqlCommand.Append("ModuleOrder, "); sqlCommand.Append("PublishBeginDate "); if (publishEndDate > DateTime.MinValue) { sqlCommand.Append(", PublishEndDate, "); } sqlCommand.Append("PageGuid, "); sqlCommand.Append("ModuleGuid "); sqlCommand.Append(") ");
sqlCommand.Append(" VALUES ("); sqlCommand.Append(":ModuleID, "); sqlCommand.Append(":PageID, "); sqlCommand.Append(":PaneName, "); sqlCommand.Append(":ModuleOrder, "); sqlCommand.Append(":PublishBeginDate "); if (publishEndDate > DateTime.MinValue) {
Hi Walter,
Thanks for pointing that out.
It looks like the missing commas are inside the if statement so they will only be missing if the if condition is false.
I will fix this right now and have it in svn trunk by tonight.