no skins?

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6/17/2010 3:26:18 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: no skins?


On the other thread here, I replied this morning and told you there is an error happening when I tried your css handler url. We need to find out what the the error is to solve it, as I said in the other thread by checking the mojoportal error log.

I do have a guess about the error but the error detail would make it easier. My guess is your host is missing a configuration for .ashx extensions to be handled by ASP.NET, I've seen this occasionally on some hosting. With the correct configuration it does not require an actual file named csshandler.ashx. However, you could try creating an empty text file named csshanlder.ashx and put it in the root of your site, it is possible that will solve it even with the incorrect configuration.

If that does not help please check the mojoportal error log as mentioned on the other thread, look near the bottom for an error related to csshandler.

Hope it helps,


6/17/2010 3:29:14 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: no skins?

oops typo, I meant try creating a text file named csshandler.ashx

6/17/2010 3:30:56 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: no skins?

can you download the error file /Data/currentlog.config and email it to me at joe dot audette at g mail dotcom?

6/17/2010 3:36:14 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: no skins?

oh, and don't try to upgrade to a newer version of mojoPortal until this issue is resolved. This is definitely a configuration issue not a bug and upgrading before solving this will just add complexity to the issue.



6/17/2010 3:43:40 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: no skins?

Also, I just thought of an easy workaround, really we want to solve the actual issue because the css handler does some important helpful work by combining and minifying all our css into one request. So ultimately I want to help you fix that, but I just thought of an immediate workaround that should solve it by disabling the css handler, it will just load each css file separately without minifying.

Look for these in Web.config:

<add key="CombineCSS" value="true"/>
<add key="MinifyCSS" value="true"/>

change them to false

that should make the css show up and at least restore a good feeling ;-), then we can follow up with checking the error and try to fix the real problem with configuration 



6/17/2010 4:10:14 PM
Total Posts 147
Download Free Mojo Skins

Re: no skins?

YES!  That worked! (removing that "minify" business)

I may just keep it that way.

But in any case, I made the empty text file called csshandler.ashx, uploaded it, and still no style -- so the error pertaining to it, after I did that, says this:

2010-06-17 13:51:23,611 ERROR mojoPortal.Web.Global - - /csshandler.ashx?skin=dcarter-orangesunset&s=1&v=
System.Web.HttpException: The page must have a <%@ webhandler class="MyNamespace.MyClass" ... %> directive.
   at System.Web.UI.SimpleWebHandlerParser.ParseString(String text)
   at System.Web.UI.SimpleWebHandlerParser.ParseReader()


And just as with that other server stuff, I have no idea whatever what that means -- all that %@ stuff is entirely new and unfamiliar to someone who's limited herself to Linux/php/MySQL for 10 years -- MySQL errors, even php errors (those dreaded parse errors from missing/misplaced semi-colons!), I can usually kinda puzzle out, but this... ARGH!  All new territory to me!

But at least now I have the means to make the site look ok, while I try and set it up.  I became really interested in Mojo because of how easy it is to use Artisteer templates -- I use that program a lot, for Joomla templates and lately for DNN, and it's a really great way to build a design visually before you have to get into the code of it.  Mojo has so much good stuff built in, I thought it seemed a much better choice for an than DNN, which isn't terribly intuitive for new users, but having to get into all this just to get a template loaded -- well, I've managed to add to my miniscule knowledge of stuff, at any rate.  ;-)  (those web.config things seem a bit less scary everytime I have to get into one of those files!)

Since this seems to be more about server config than anything else, you may want to know that I'm on MochaHosting; they have a new control panel they're trying out as an alternative to Plesk (BLEAH!), so it's possible that they just don't have it fully configured yet, I suppose (I got a new set of nameservers when I switched to it, so it's apparently a whole new setup, with the new control panel).  The new control panel is called "DotNetPanel" and it includes the Microsoft Web App Gallery -- which is how I got Mojo installed, since I was unable to get it installed manually, with my almost-nonexistent ASP.NET skills.



6/18/2010 6:32:33 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: no skins?

Hi Andria,

Glad it is working for you. I did some testing here and I think you can fix the csshandler. It doesn't work with an empty text file, but if you paste this in there it should work:

<%@ WebHandler Language="C#" Class="mojoPortal.Web.UI.CssHandler" %>

and then you can re-enable the combine and minify business.

I'm going to include the file in the next release of mojoPortal as I think this issue must come up in some percentage of hosting situations and including this file should avoid the issue.

I'm glad to hear about how you found mojoPortal and why you decided to try it. it Is very good to know that more and more web hosts are integrating the Web App Gallery, I'm pretty sure it is a new feature in DotNetPanel so there may still be a few glitches with it, but long term that should help mojoPortal get a lot of exposure so I'm glad to know that web hosts are beginning to roll that out.

I'm sure you'll be an ASP.NET pro in no time, there may be a few struggles to conquer on the way but I'm sure there were also struggles under the lamp stack, its just that you conquered those long ago. I know I've only been playing around on linux for a few years myself and am still no guru yet but I struggled with it more in the beginning. Its like anything else once you've become acquainted with the common issues and solutions it gets much easier.



6/18/2010 10:54:52 PM
Total Posts 147
Download Free Mojo Skins

Re: no skins?

Well, that was cool; that snippet of code into csshandler.ashx did work; I put it in, and changed back those settings in web.config, refreshed, and hey, I've still got style! ;-)

Speaking of which, I've been working all last night and today on the skin, which is an adaptation of my basic design/colors for all my "CrypticSites" -- if you'd care to visit again; I'm rather proud of it (love that Artisteer -- some of the design effects you can get with it are just sensational, even if I do have to optimize some of the graphics it produces). I finally figured out how to stop having a duplicated top menu, by removing the "nav" div code from the layout.master -- that seemed the only way to go ahead and keep the mojo-supplied menu at the top, and not have a dupe'ed home link just below (or in one of the Artisteer skins, the mojo menu was actually superimposed over the artisteer graphic menu).  I think I wound up using artisteer-24verticalmenu2, then removed the "nav" divs from that master page.

One thing I can't figure out (among so many!), and that is why that vertical menu is on the left, because in my design, it's a right sidebar, not left, but I can't seem to figure out how to get it over to the other side.  I watched the video about the hierarchy, but that didn't contain the info I need.

So I'm off to explore some more, and see what I can see. :-D




6/19/2010 6:48:27 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: no skins?

Hi Andria,

I like that design! Nice work!

You can move the menu to the right side. In your layout.master file look for <asp:Panel ID="divLeft", just inside this panel is where you have the <portal:SiteMenu, you want to cut that and paste it inside the <asp:Panel ID="divRight". 

Hope that helps,




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