Hi Dirk,
Thanks again! I think they're all in there now. FYI, I found also the file WebStore/Setup/applications/webstore/SchemaUpgradeScripts/mssql/ was missing but the file was there. Unfortunately this means the script won't run automatically because it thinks its lower than the current version since it already ran, so you will need to run that script manaualy from query analyzer if you want to use WebStore.
Glad to hear you are find mojoportal easy to work with!
I'b be interested to see what you come up with, I was thinking of some backend features for WebStore in there like charts and reports etc. My only worry is I'm not sure the Site Office framework is really crystalized at this point so there is some risk that I will change things to get to the final architecture for that, so its possible I may make breaking changes at some point that will require some re-working in your custom feature(s). Hopefully there won't be anything too radical as I think the design is on the right track so far.