Hi Adam,
There will be more news and progress for the e-commerce coming soon. I hope to have an e-commerce store open for business here at mojoportal.com by the end of June with my first product for sale. By using the e-commerce for real business myself it is bound to lead to improvements as I will be making sure it meets at least my needs.
The Site Office will really be an application framework with a plugin model. The framework itself will be part of mojoPortal and free, but some of the features that I build to plug into it may be premium for sale features. The framework itself is mostly complete but has no real working features that plug in as of yet. I suspect that the Site Office framework will need some evolving before it is competely nailed down and this will happen as I implement the first few real features for it.
Right now I am struggling with my open source business model and most of my time is going into unpaid development. In a perfect world I would work on things in priority of what I think is most important to the project on technical terms or general benefit but without any financial backing this is not sustainable so I need to get some revenue coming in from some paid products to provide a foundation to enable me to keep improving mojoPortal. At the moment getting some premium products for sale is my top priority. Originally I thought consulting would be the way I make money on my free product but its not consistent enough yet and usually the projects are not directly benefiting mojoPortal and therefore actually slow down real progress on the mojoPortal project because my time goes into things that meet a particular customer need but are not of general benefit.
My first feature for sale will be an advanced Events feature something like the current free Events feature but more feature rich and with the ability to sell tickets to events and a few other attractive bells and whistles that the free one doesn't have. I have other premium features in mind too and will be trying to find the right balance to make sure the free core set of features continues to be rich enough that people will use mojoPortal and it will grow in popularity but I will be looking very hard in the near term for features I can build that people will be willing to pay for in order to help support the project.