Hi Farah,
I don't know anything about Apache2Triad
It is possible to run mojoportal on linux with apache but you must also have Mono 1.9 with mod_mono installed.
You do not need the ...webcontrols.zip file at all.
If you want to use MySql for the database then you do need that one, but the only reason you need it is because f the GPL license I cannot distribute mojoportal pre-configured for MySql
You should download mojoportal-2-2-5-3-pgsqlreleasefiles-for-mono.zip, unzip it, unzip mojoportal-2-2-5-3-mysqldatalayer.zip in a different location then copy the dll files into the /bin folder (a sub folder after you unzip the mojoportal-2-2-5-3-pgsqlreleasefiles-for-mono.zip)
You need to configure the main root folder for apache2/mod_mono (you may have to google for more info on doing that)
Set the connection string to your MySql database in Web.config
Make sure the /Data folder is writable by the web process
visit siteroot/Setup/Default.aspx to proceed with the database part of the installation
Hope it helps,