initial default account was not recognized

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5/14/2024 6:20:05 PM
Total Posts 12

initial default account was not recognized

Hello everyone,

I hope someone might help me, because it the first time it heppens to me....

* Uploaded al files (2901 version : mojoportal-2901-mssql).

* Made the two folders writeable.

* Lunched the setup.

* Everything looks fine : the cms appared on line.

* Disabled setup.

The CMS does not recognise the standard initial account : with password admin. The CMS writes :

We're sorry but a server error has occurred while trying to process your request.

The error has been logged and will be reviewed by our staff as soon as possible. It is possible that the error was just a momentary hiccup and you may wish to use the back button and try again or go back to the home page.

any Idea?

I put it now off line to avoid someone else succeded in changing the account.

Thank you in advance.



5/18/2024 11:26:23 AM
Total Posts 12

Re: initial default account was not recognized


Ok I reply to myself. I hope this is the meaning of sharing.

Nowdays servers came with SSL (i.e. Let's enclrypt). So , on the server is activated SSL and all http request are diverted to https. The CMS is correctly shown, but the admin accoun is not recognized.

That 's because you have to activate in the web.config. file :  add key="UseSSLForLDAP" value="true"

Default is false.

Hope this helps!


5/20/2024 9:54:53 AM
Total Posts 2253

Re: initial default account was not recognized

Hi Alessandro,

Are you using LDAP? If not, you shouldn't have to change the UseSSLForLDAP setting.

I'm not sure how changing that would have had any affect on the login if you are not using LDAP.


5/20/2024 10:53:44 AM
Total Posts 12

Re: initial default account was not recognized

Hi Joe,


I shared because after changing that value, mojoportal recognized the login.  I made different installations on the same server (multihosting) and mojoportad did not want to recognize the default access account. I changed and it worked. If I do not make this change, the initial installation account is not recognized.

LDAP is a different stuff, but what made me focus on was SSL statement.

Until " the boat goes I will make it go this way" unless I understand how to solve this problem in a correct way (i.e. I do not have a different solution in my hands right now). Would you have a different idea about solving this issue?




5/20/2024 2:18:02 PM
Total Posts 2253

Re: initial default account was not recognized

Can you tell me what hosting you have? I'd like to look into this further because we haven't had this problem before.

Thank you,

5/20/2024 2:34:40 PM
Total Posts 12

Re: initial default account was not recognized

Sure Joe,

The hosting compay is ServerPlan (Italy). Windows server ASP NET 4.8 and MS SQL server 2019.Full trust, Let' Encrypt for a basic SSL. I have Plesk to control stuff

Let me know if you need further details




5/22/2024 11:08:10 AM
Total Posts 2253

Re: initial default account was not recognized

Hi Alessandro,

I signed up for an account at ServerPlan and setup a copy of mojo I followed the same steps you listed and I also added the Let's Encrypt certificate. I do not have the UseSSLForLDAP setting set to true.

I am able to login to the site with the default login.

Were there any other settings you configured in the web.config or user.config before trying to login?

5/22/2024 1:00:19 PM
Total Posts 12

Re: initial default account was not recognized

Hi Joe,

thank you for your statment, it is very important form me.I was given many tecnhnical "cookies" while I tried to install Mojoportal.

I will let them know now they are mojo compliant also if they did know it ;)

They told me they are not sure about the possibility of installation of this  CMS : They Wrote in technical ticket  "start thinking the CMS I want to install might not fit their servers".Thet also write the mojoportal code is trying to force ASP NET Version 2.0 run in the machine which is not installed on their server. All these stuff made installation instable.

Maybe my fault since there are more then 10 years I do not install this CMS.

Mojoportal is great. I am sad for the problem of Themes. No themes provided for the initial installation. I am not a graphic man , so it is hard for me facing these kind  of problem.

Thank you Joe for your kind and technical feed back.



5/24/2024 11:41:37 AM
Total Posts 2253

Re: initial default account was not recognized


I can guarantee you that mojoPortal doesn't try to force .NET 2.0 and hasn't targeted .NET 2.0 for probably close to 15 years.

I didn't do anything special to setup mojo. It just worked on ServerPlan's cheapest Windows hosting plan.


5/25/2024 3:07:56 AM
Total Posts 12

Re: initial default account was not recognized

Hi Joe,

thank you for your post. I do think Mojoportal fits quite all IIS server. Never found one which is not complatible (up to now). I am fun of Mojoportal. Serverplan wrote to me it was a bug in Plesk about my account. From now on I will not have problem in ASP. All the stuff I wrote in this forum came from written email through the support channel.

I have now to start on understanding how to make skins. I bought 10 years ago Artesteer 4   , mojoPortalSkinExporter20140523 and got HtmlExport. But since then Skins changed. I have to make a new start.I have a 10 year hole to fill. 

Would you be so kind to suggest how pratically fill these 10 years? I mean how to quick be productive in producing new skins? Thank you Joe for your help.
