any bugs or malfunctions in new release

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6/22/2023 1:21:15 PM
Total Posts 163

any bugs or malfunctions in new release

I've been trying the new version called for a couple of days but I found something wrong.

I have been linked to mojoportal for many years and will remain so in the future but even if I offer some criticism I would like it to be taken as constructive.


  • the new version does not indicate 2.9.x.x but
  • skins that are fine on another domain do not work on the domain under test and have various errors. note that the server is the same. (win server 2019 sql server and dot net 4.6/4.8)
  • the most serious thing is that I had to comment on the wen.config the whole part relating to the ''google.protobuf'' assembly because otherwise it won't run returning an assembly loading error.
  • I noticed other serious problems on database scripts... in this case to include in several dbo scripts in brackets (dbo in [dbo]) because otherwise they give error during installation. I edited them by hand myself.


however I believe that when a new version is released, it MUST NOT give any problems. because doing so in my opinion, would be counterproductive.

as I repeat mine wants to be a suggestion to always be THE BEST.

I make myself available to do tests and trials.... I work on ARUBA in Italy

6/26/2023 12:59:32 PM
Total Posts 163

Re: any bugs or malfunctions in new release


as for the Google.protobuf assembly, I solved it by downloading the version from git hub and modifying the versioneg on the web.config. this highlights that there are errors on the web.config. which must be corrected before releasing.

then i noticed that NO skin works properly. while on an IDENTICAL site with identical skins everything works correctly. clear sign that it does not work ... there is something not working. I noticed that for example in the site management page only the first link (tab) works while the others don't. then everything is displayed on the same page. nothing works nothing works

I keep repeating that they are little things that are annoying and that shouldn't exist. and as I repeat, mine only wants to be constructive advice to ensure that mnojo is always the best as I myself have always considered him.


  • fix versioning and web.config issues
  • fix errors on MSSQL scripts (dbo in [dbo])
  • fix versioning ( and release 2.9)
  • fix skin problems

then.... make available... not before

6/26/2023 2:13:48 PM
Total Posts 163

Re: any bugs or malfunctions in new release



serious error in SiteSetting.aspx


tab link does not function but function in version..... 



6/29/2023 12:32:13 PM
Total Posts 2253

Re: any bugs or malfunctions in new release

Hey Massi,

The problem with the skins is likely due to you running an unreleased version. We have changed a few things with the Site Settings page that did cause issues with the unreleased version. Your best bet is going to be to compare the from the packaged framework skin with the skins you're running. Anything having to do with the Site Settings page should definitely match the new framework

We are aware of the 2.9 version not showing up properly. This was a packaging issue and we've resolved it in an upcoming release. I'll send this release to you directly so you can test it in your environment.

We're not able to reproduce the Google.protobuf issue. Do you have any "pro" modules installed? Only the mysql version uses Google.protobuf but it could have been packaged with the mssql version at some point in the past so you may have it. In that case, you should be able to just delete it.

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