Alternate Recommendations

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5/12/2023 3:11:18 PM
Total Posts 22

Alternate Recommendations

I suspect this question is going to fall on deaf no ears, however now that it is clear that mojoPortal has been abandoned – nearly five years since the last release – what do people recommend as an alternative that would be easy for my users to get to grips with?

5/19/2023 2:18:47 PM
Total Posts 70

Re: Alternate Recommendations

I was thinking the same thing but the GitHub Repository for mojoPortal seems to be fairly busy. I wouldn't discount mojoPortal just yet. It has a very useful toolset and can be skinned very well. I was able to download the repo and build a new version ( fairly easily. The only problem I have is updated code for the commercial modules.

6/8/2023 5:07:59 PM
Total Posts 2253

Re: Alternate Recommendations

Hello all,

You will find a new release on GitHub. We haven't created a blog post yet. Please let us know if you run into trouble.

Thank you,
Joe Davis

6/26/2023 10:50:07 AM
Total Posts 1

Re: Alternate Recommendations

Hello, this is Gulshan Negi

Well, If you're looking for an alternative to MojoPortal, several user-friendly CMS options are available. WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Wix, and Squarespace are popular choices, offering different customization features and levels. It's essential to assess your specific requirements and consider factors such as ease of use, available templates and plugins, community support, and the type of website you want to build. Exploring demos or free versions of these platforms can help you determine which one best suits your needs and your users' preferences.          

I hope you are clear now.  


7/3/2023 2:01:45 PM
Total Posts 22

Re: Alternate Recommendations

Thank you Joe!

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