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When trying to update an image in an image gallery, I received a "Parameter not valid" error. Tracing it through the code, I found it in the GalleryImage.cs, this line: Bitmap originalImage = new Bitmap(this.storageFolderPath + "FullSizeImages" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + this.imageFile);
I can add a new image, but I can't update one.
While researching this error, I went over to the site and tried the same thing. I received a custom error message, which I suspect means the same error is occuring there.
Also, and this too, I confirmed on the demo site, when you have non-compact mode selected and then pick an image other than the first one, it always shows the first one and you have to cycle through the list until you reach the one you intended to select.
If you need more details, please let me know.
Thanks for letting me know. This is now fixed in svn trunk and I plan to package a new release later today or tomorrow at the latest.