Site logo problem

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5/31/2019 11:51:22 AM
Total Posts 21

Site logo problem

I have read and followed the documentation on this page: The logo list control is showing up on the site settings page, but no logos are in the list even though there are quite a few in the /Data/Sites/1/logos folder. Ideas? Is it significant that I am using 2 skins in my site? If so, where should the logos folder be?

6/8/2019 9:29:17 PM
Total Posts 216
Community Expert

mojoPortal Hosting & Design @ i7MEDIA!

Re: Site logo problem

Hi Julie,

I believe you need to place the logo files in the /data/sites/1/media/logos folder, not the /data/sites/1/logos folder. If that doesn't work let me know.


6/11/2019 3:17:44 PM
Total Posts 21

Re: Site logo problem

Thanks Isaac. You are right.

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