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I'm seeing an issue when viewing mojo portal demo on an android phone, using chrome for android. Initially saw issue on the mojo portal installation that I work on. When editing a page, the toolbar in the text area is not rendering correctly.
to duplicate: chrome on an android device,
2. navigate to demo,
3.login using admin login.
4.edit the page
5. Instead of seeing the toolbar in the text edit area, there is bulleted list of links showing "heading 1","Paragraph","Bold","UI","Ol" etc. for each of the buttons
using galaxy s7+, android 8, mojo 2.7, .net 4.6, sql server v12, android chrome v72.0.3626.121
I wanted to clarify the prior post. After logging to the demo site, go to On an android phone, instead of seeing the tool bar in the text edit region, there's a list of links with names like Heading 1, Heading 2, Paragraph, Bold.
You can add the following to your user.config and then "touch" the web.config. This will be the default in the next release.
<add key="AdaptEditorForMobile" value="false" />
Thanks, Joe