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After upgrading to 2700, the site loads using existing skin but File Manager and none of the Admin functions (Admin Menu, page edit, new page...) and cannot change settings to existing content, although can edit content.
Can someone point me in the right direction?
info about upgrade:
Hosted on Arvixe (shared)
MS Server 2012 Standard
ASP.NET 4.0 (integrated)
PHP 5.3
MS SQL Server 2012
mojoPortal version (or maybe
Skin: Artisteer 4.1 alteration of mojo 3 column skin (not sure which one)
Stop Site and Applications from Control Panel (did not use App_Offline.htm)
After Backup, Copy Machine Key to new web.config file :
added <portal:CommentsWidget… code to :
Added 6 <portal: lines to
Added 5 <file cssvpath lines to style.config
Added <add key=”CKEditor: to bottom of user.config, rather than changing style.css (note, initially tried style.css, then style-artisteer-overrides.css, then changed user.config) :
Added <portal:ScriptLoader… to layout.master file
Upload new files using FileZilla, replace all in queue, in 4 groups:
started site and application pool
ran setup
As is usually the case, user error! It turns out not all files in Admin uploaded correctly (although I did not see a warning when uploaded).
This is a great service ---- thanks to all at i7Media for continuing to support mojoPortal!
Glad to hear you got it working and our release package isn't to blame. :-)
Happy mojo-ing! Joe