ldap authenitcation

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7/9/2018 11:51:26 AM
Total Posts 26

ldap authenitcation

Hi, we used Mojo since years.. now we are on 2.6

Because it's an intranet we do use to have Ldap authentication, but for some users it work, and for others I can not find them in Mojo

When they register using their credentials AD, Mojo answers incorrect

UseLdapAuth = true

LdapServer: xx.xxx.xxx.xx

AutoCreateLdapUserOnFirstLogin = true

LdapPort = xxx

LdapDomain = idi.it

LdapRootDN = CN=users,DC=idi,DC=it

LdapUserDNkey = CN (active directory)


can anybody please help me about this ?

What I would is that users in Ldap that not exists in MOjo will created!!

bests to all and thank you in advance

Michele from rome

7/23/2018 1:02:30 PM
Total Posts 1203
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Re: ldap authenitcation

Hi, Michele. From your question, I think you are saying that some users are being authenticated successfully via LDAP, and some aren't? If that's the case, make sure that all users are in a container that can be found under your Active Directory root DN. We had seen an issue like this before in our own environment, and had to ask the network administrator to move some users to the standard container in AD.

If no one is being authenticated via LDAP, you may have an issue with the LdapRootDN you have specified. In our (working) environment we have it formatted as OU=[AD root container],DC=[subdomain],DC=[domain],DC=[tld], e.g. OU=users,DC=ldap,DC=mydomain,DC=org

I hope that helps,


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