changing user role from database

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12/3/2017 7:35:35 PM
Total Posts 8

changing user role from database


I couldnt find relevant topic for my problem ... 

How to change user role to "admin " from database?



12/5/2017 10:09:26 AM
Total Posts 2252

Re: changing user role from database


  1. Get the UserID and UserGuid for the user you want to put in the admin role. To do this, look at the mp_Users table.
  2. Get the RoleGuid for the Admin role. To do this, look at the mp_Roles table.
  3. Using the information you gathered in steps 1 and 2, run this statement: INSERT INTO mp_UserRoles (UserID, RoleID, UserGuid, RoleGuid) VALUES (<UserID from Step 1>, 1, <UserGuid from Step 1>, <RoleGuid from Step 1>);

This should get you set.


12/5/2017 11:43:02 AM
Total Posts 8

Re: changing user role from database

Thank you ! It worked perfectlyyes  Mojoportal is amazing.

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