Upgrade issue - File Manager broken, and Site Settings generates error

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11/15/2017 2:55:30 PM
Total Posts 32

Upgrade issue - File Manager broken, and Site Settings generates error

So I've upgraded my codebase with the new Mojo Core (from 2.4 to 2.6) and most everything works, except the FileManager doesn't show up at all, and when I try to get into Site Settings it errors out on me. Error is below. The displaySettings.SiteSettingPanelHeadingMarkup appears to want two arguments, where only one is provided. This has to be some sort of data issue not addressed in the upgrade.

I should note that I purged the old core code and pulled a direct stable copy from scratch before I ran it. Yes I ran the setup page.

Need help urgently, this is a show stopper. Thanks!


Line 127:				litHostListHeader.Text = String.Format(displaySettings.SiteSettingsPanelHeadingMarkup, Resource.SiteSettingsMultiTenancyTurnedOffLabel);
Line 128:				litHostMessage.Text = String.Format(displaySettings.SiteSettingsPanelHeadingMarkup, Resource.SiteSettingsMultiTenancyTurnedOff);
Line 129:				pnlAddFolder.Visible = false;

Source File: C:\AGIS\MojoDev\MojoPortal\Web\Admin\SiteSettings.aspx.cs    Line: 127 

Stack Trace: 

[FormatException: Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list.]
   System.Text.StringBuilder.AppendFormatHelper(IFormatProvider provider, String format, ParamsArray args) +12527193
11/15/2017 5:01:39 PM
Total Posts 32

Re: Upgrade issue - File Manager broken, and Site Settings generates error

Update - Tried to setup a new database - worked. SiteSettings throwing same error as above.

11/15/2017 5:30:57 PM
Total Posts 2249

Re: Upgrade issue - File Manager broken, and Site Settings generates error

Hi Mike, 

That's rather odd because we've been running these releases for a while now with an issue. Can you tell me what skin you are using? Also, do you have <add key="AllowMultipleSites" value="true" /> set to true or false in your web.config or user.config? If you have it set to false, please change it to true and let me know if the problem persists.

Final question, which db platform are you using?



11/15/2017 5:34:13 PM
Total Posts 2249

Re: Upgrade issue - File Manager broken, and Site Settings generates error

Hi Mike,

Actually, I just looked at the code again and noticed that we aren't setting the string properly as you suggested when AllowMultipleSites is set to false. We'll fix this in our next release (we're testing it now).

A workaround is to set AllowMultipleSites to true.


11/15/2017 7:15:17 PM
Total Posts 32

Re: Upgrade issue - File Manager broken, and Site Settings generates error

Okay, appreciate you looking into it. I changed the setting and it works properly now.

Look forward to the next release. I'm hoping the JSON package is updated in it, because it's holding up some of the upgrades on my own projects. :)

My firm is in the process of rolling out Mojo as a CMS to our products, so I'm working very closely with the project and core code. You can expect to hear from me a lot. :)


11/29/2017 12:29:36 PM
Total Posts 2249

Re: Upgrade issue - File Manager broken, and Site Settings generates error

Hi Mike,

What are you needing updated with the JSON package? Which version are you needing?


11/30/2017 11:33:27 AM
Total Posts 32

Re: Upgrade issue - File Manager broken, and Site Settings generates error

Hi Joe,

A minimum of 9.0.1 for Newtonsoft's JSON would be perfect. Anything better is of course welcome.


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