Starting to Debug MojoPortal Source Code

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5/18/2017 6:32:59 AM
Total Posts 1

Starting to Debug MojoPortal Source Code

Hi team,

I am new and when i am  starting to build MojoPortal Source code in our system it will build successfully but when i start debug the code it fetch error 

The stored procedure 'mp_SiteHosts_SelectSiteIdByHost' doesn't exist. how can i remove this and successfully run this code on my Local system. i am using visual studio 2013 and sql server 2012. please give me proper solution if it possible. thank you.


5/18/2017 4:59:59 PM
Total Posts 2252

Re: Starting to Debug MojoPortal Source Code

I suggest using Visual Studio 2015 or 2017.

The error you are getting is probably because the database hasn't been populated by setup yet. Go ahead and tell Visual Studio to continue after the error comes up and visit the /setup/default.aspx page.

Hope this helps,
Joe Davis

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