Image View in File Manager?

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4/11/2017 12:43:36 PM
Total Posts 28
regards, Svein-Martin Holt Norway

Image View in File Manager?

The new filemanager in mojoportal 2.5 is great, but I hope you also will include the view of imagefiles as an icon (in different sizes) like in Windows Explorer.

I know you can view one by one file and see the image, but when you want to select imagefiles from a large directory, it would be nize to see the images all at the same time.



Svein-Martin Holt, Norway

4/11/2017 1:19:53 PM
Total Posts 2253

Re: Image View in File Manager?


Thank you for your feedback. We have thought about adding this kind of functionality but we're not sure if it will work out well because of the way images are stored in mojoPortal. All images are just files and mojoPortal does nothing to the images when they are uploaded, like create thumbnails and other sizes. So, when browsing a directory, each image would need to download for the browser to display it. If you open a folder with a lot of images in it, the file manager could slow down dramatically.

We haven't decided against doing this but we are trying to figure out how to do it in a way that doesn't slow the file manager down a lot.


4/11/2017 3:08:27 PM
Total Posts 28
regards, Svein-Martin Holt Norway

Re: Image View in File Manager?

Thank you for your feedback.

I will use this viewing of images to select images in a imagegallery, with the mojoportal structure with thumbnails, webimage and fullsize image directories.

So one solution could be as soon as the pagemanager points to maindirectory for an image library, and find this 3 directories.

One option could then be to list out the thumbnails directory and an option to select the file from one of the 3 directories. Then it will be fast.

That would be a nice new feature in the filemanager.

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