Hi Diego,
First, thank you for your support of mojoPortal and your commitment to the translation of the project to the Italian language.
We didn't do a very good job of noting this but we created a new repository on GitHub for languages other than en-US. I'm sorry we didn't make an announcement about this.
For quite a while now the only language included with the release packages other than English has been Italian because, thanks to you, it was the most complete translation. As this release was our first we evaluated a lot of different options for how best to release the files going forward. With regard to the .resx files, we wanted to cut down the amount of time mojo sites took for the JIT compilation so we pulled the Italian .resx files from the release and put them in our new language repo. For the other translatable files (Message Templates and Help Files), we felt that the number of files included in the releases was overwhelming. The number of non-resx language files included in a release was 1,790. So many people have to manage their site files using FTP and that many files can take a very long time to upload.
As for the date stamps on the files, that was unintentional and we'll try not to have that happen again.
The new languages repo has all of the language files for mojoPortal for every language that has ever been supported. There are currently three folders in the root of the repo, Core, Features, and Webstore. Inside each of these folders are two folders, App_GlobalResources and Data. It's a good structure for keeping things separated but it's not such a great structure to allow for easily downloading a single language, I'm realizing that now. We'll work on a different structure, possibly putting all files for each language in it's own folder.
We are committed to mojoPortal being a well-translated project and we hope you will continue contributing to the Italian language resources. I'll run a quick comparison of the English language files we have in 2.5 to what was available in to see what's changed and update this thread with those changes.
Thank you,
Joe Davis