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After making some changes to my web site I am now getting the following error when loading the "Home" page...
We're sorry but a server error has occurred while trying to process your request. The error has been logged and will be reviewed by our staff as soon as possible. It is possible that the error was just a momentary hiccup and you may wish to use the back button and try again or go back to the home page.
We're sorry but a server error has occurred while trying to process your request.
The error has been logged and will be reviewed by our staff as soon as possible. It is possible that the error was just a momentary hiccup and you may wish to use the back button and try again or go back to the home page.
The words "Home Page" are underlined, indicating it is a hyperlink... it does nothing!
I checked the Log file and find the following line...
System.ArgumentException: Unable to sort because the IComparer.Compare() method returns inconsistent results. Either a value does not compare equal to itself, or one value repeatedly compared to another value yields different results. IComparer: 'System.Collections.Generic.ObjectComparer`1[mojoPortal.SearchIndex.IndexItem]'
In the past I have left the site alone for a while and it resolves itself. This time it has not what do I do to fix it?
Thanks in advance
Re-indexing the DB solved the problem....