Upgrade JPlayer

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7/3/2016 11:30:48 PM
Total Posts 104

Upgrade JPlayer


I want to use JPlayer on a new portal, but I need to make some customization on it to add thumbnail image to play list, I see some where someone do it on newer version of JPlayer while mojoportal still using v. 2.5.0, I can't find where can I find reference to JPlayer script to try to upgrade to newer version,

Is there any suggestion to start this upgrade and is there any limitation? 



7/6/2016 11:31:27 AM
Total Posts 2249

Re: Upgrade JPlayer

Hi Mehdi,

I've updated jPlayer on a site and it seems to work fine with limited testing.

There were a few changes I made to the skins but they really weren't necessary. I've packaged it all up so it's easy to install on your site. No script changes were necessary, just a couple file name and location changes.

Simply download this zip file and place its contents in your mojoPortal installation. Next, add the following to your user.config so mojo knows to use the new version.

<add key="JPlayerBasePath" value="~/ClientScript/jplayer-2-9-2/" />

Hope this helps,
Joe D.

7/9/2016 11:35:46 PM
Total Posts 104

Re: Upgrade JPlayer

Thank  you Joe, I check your file and I find somethings that must be fix also,

In Data/Style/Jplayer there is some css file, I think the URL to images in not correct and while css file and images are at same directory we have to remove bluemondaty ( for example) at first of image URLs.

Also the ascx file in KDMPlayer folder need to be changed because css need div for controls place holder but there on in ul tag.

I try to fix all of them and will provide edited files.



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