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I can send from both of the contact forms in my system. I can send to a preview person with no problem. I can not send to a single user (myself) who is subscribed.
Mail setting in user.config:
<add key="SMTPServer" value="" /> <add key="SMTPRequiresAuthentication" value="true" /> <add key="SMTPPort" value="10" /> <add key="SMTPUser" value="" /> <add key="SMTPPassword" value="(removed)" /> <!-- leave this blank for ascii encoding --> <add key="SmtpPreferredEncoding" value="" /> <!-- example for Russian encoding <add key="SmtpPreferredEncoding" value="koi8-r" /> -->
I have no trouble sending to myself as a test from the newsletter, but it is not sending to me via sending to subscribers. (I am the only subscriber at this time.)
Saw a mention of a status bar in other posts not seeing that either. Just acts as if no action when clicking the button.
Sends fine as stated from BOTH of the message contact items I have on pages...
Baffled... any help would be great. Trying to get this set up for our Newsletter for sending to our people in our non-profit.
Sorry Joe, saw this probably is wrong place. Also solved my issues by restarting the application pool and website.