I need to create a totally new skin

A place for discussion about skinning and design. Before posting questions here you should review the documentation about creating skins.

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9/1/2015 12:58:39 PM
Total Posts 4

I need to create a totally new skin

Hi All,

New to the mojo Portal, i am trying to create a custom skin of my own, i have the html with me but how do i incorporate the html into the skins? I also have a css file and js files. i need those files to be overwritten. Please suggest a easy approach in creating my own skin.

I have my html ready with me.

Thanks in advance.



9/2/2015 10:11:30 AM
Total Posts 2249

Re: I need to create a totally new skin


To create a skin for mojoPortal, you should read these pages:

  1. Overview - Creating Skins for mojoPortal
    • There are two methods for mojoPortal skin creation; 1) Beginner (use Artisteer) and 2) Advanced (manual method for experienced UI developers). I suggest forgetting that Artisteer even exists; it creates lousy HTML, CSS and JS.
  2. Understanding the layout.master File
    • Layout.master file is where the main structure html of your design belongs.
  3. How the Main Column Layout Works and More Than 3 Content Panels
    • There are 5 content panel available to for content placement. They are Top, Left, Center, Right, Bottom.
  4. Understanding the theme.skin File
    • Theme.skin is where you can control the markup and other display settings of mojoPortal modules and features.
  5. Understanding the style.config File
    • Style.config is where you setup the CSS files used by your skin. The style.config can be configured to pull CSS files from the skin folder or any other folder of the mojoPortal installation.
  6. Understanding the CSS Files
    • There are many CSS files shipped with the included mojoPortal skins to support the various features of mojoPortal. Use can use this same structure or you can come up with one that suits you better.

There are many other articles under Design and Skinning which will help you make your skin very nice. If you don't find the answer to a question there, check the forums.

Hope this helps,
Joe D.​

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