you are correct that this is not the best place for such a question, there is plenty of info on the web about sql server and backup/restore, I suggest google or bing
I don't know anything about tools provided by specific hosts.
A properly created sql backup file should be able to restore on another instance of sql sever depending on the version of sql server. It is also possible to create an empty .bak file if it was not created properly and it is also possible to have multiple backups in a single .bak file. What you need is a .bak with a single full database backup that has all transactions committed. These things are determined by options selected when generating the backup.
a backup created on an older version of sql server can typically be restored on a newer version of sql server but a backup made on a newer version of sql server generally cannot be restored on an older version, ie a backup made on sql 2014 most likely cannot be restored on sql 2012 or sql 2008 or sql 2005