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Hi Guys,
I have updates page keywords and page description through Page settings ''. But when I view source the page, it shows two '<meta name="keywords" content=" ' I don't know where the first meta settings come from. I tried searching if there is any site level settings but no luck.
Please help.
1. I can't reproduce the problem. I put comma separated keywords and it shows one meta element for keywords exactly as I put it
2. really you should not even try to use keywords, they are ignored at best and penalize your site at worst.
Thanks for the reply Joe.
Even I can't figure out why its showing two.
<meta name="keywords" content="Software Development, .NET technologies,
<meta name="description" content="cost-effective website
<meta name="og:description" content="cost-effective website
<meta name="keywords" content="website solutions company,
I think the first one must be hard coded in the layout.master of the skin
Thank you Joe. Yes it was in Master page...