Images set to not display?

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2/11/2015 3:54:38 AM
Total Posts 118

Forum Images set to not display?

I've just upgraded to MSSQL - 4.0.30319.34209 Running in Full Trust. The forum is

When I use Internet Explorer 11, the edit pencil image is missing from forum posts, this is regardless of who you are logged in as and which skin is used (I've tried using mojoportal standard skins). I've tested this on the demo site and can't replicate the problem. 

I've also tried adding a brand new forum to a new page, but get the same problem, edit pencil appears until you get right down to a post and the edit pencil is not visible. 

Any ideas?

2/11/2015 10:54:08 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Images set to not display?


The pencil should appear for any user who is allowed to edit the post, ie admins, but also the user who made the post, however the user who made the post is only allowed to edit for a period of time specified in forum settings so the pencil will disappear when the time window expires.

The pencil icon itself is from css, it should be there so long as the skin includes the css, in style.config there needs to be an entry like this:

<file cssvpath="/Data/style/forums/style.css" imagebasevpath="/Data/style/forums/">none</file>

Hope that helps,


2/16/2015 3:42:25 AM
Total Posts 118

Re: Images set to not display?

Stumped on this one. It can't be the skin because I've tried a few. Is there any way I can replace the forum files? 

2/16/2015 9:15:09 AM
Total Posts 2253

Re: Images set to not display?

Do you have a url for the site?

Joe D.

3/10/2015 4:48:41 AM
Total Posts 4

Re: Images set to not display?

Some Internet security software (including antivirus and anti-spyware programs, firewalls, privacy programs, and others) may identify and block certain images as web bugs or may prevent images from animating. Check the settings for your Internet security program to make sure it allows images to load.

4/21/2015 6:45:34 AM
Total Posts 118

Re: Images set to not display?

Hi Joe,

I'm afraid it's an internal website and so can't give you a link. FredLou, I'd understand that if it where all images & all browsers, but it's only forum specific images, like the pencil and the rss logo that aren't loading.

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