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Hi Joe, working on last version
In shared file module, when I do set true the "Show Uploaded By?" it first shows the name of user that uploaded
but if i later change something (for example the title), it shows the name of who modified the entry
As said it before, is not a really bug and it could seem non important, but in fact it is if you perform some audit
Would it be possbile to separate logging in two fields: "Uploaded by" + "Last Changed by" ?
Would be great
Best regards
Michele (from Rome)
sorry, to be more effective... the field "UploadUserID" in mp_sharedfiles should be updated only if attached file is new or different from previous one
again, sorry for my bad explanarion
Michele (from rome)
Hi Michele,
I will log this in our project tracker but not sure when we can get to it.