move to multi-site

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12/4/2014 6:04:51 AM
Total Posts 4
There are some questions that cannot be answered by Google!

move to multi-site

Hello, I would appreciate some advise here.

I am currently running 40 different mojoPortal websites, with separate instillations on a shared server. We are going to setup a dedicated server for the websites. I am keen to go the multi-site route to take the pain out of having to upgrade each site as new releases happen. 

Is there a way to do the multi-site but each website retains it's own database?

Any other advise would be much appreciated.

Thank you



12/4/2014 9:13:22 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: move to multi-site

sorry but I know of no way to combine the separate sites.

a single installation only uses one connection string therefore only one database, there is no way to make it use a different db per site and no easy way to combine the separate existing databases into one database that I know of


12/4/2014 9:16:09 AM
Total Posts 2253

Re: move to multi-site


There isn't a way to do this. mojoPortal can use multiple databases for different features (some addons support this but most do not) but not for different sites. Also, any links on each site which go to files or images within the \data\sites\[sitenumber] directory would be bad on all sites except whichever one is lucky enough to be sitenumber=1.

You might be able to do some IIS/Virtual Directory trickery to give you a single base of files to upgrade but you would still need to run the upgrade on each site because each one would have its own database.

You may want to take a look at Shaun Geisert's article titled "Automatically Upgrading mojoPortal Using PowerShell." A script like that will take the sting off of upgrading so many sites at once. We use a similar, albeit older (batch), script to upgrade our sites.

Joe D.

12/4/2014 9:24:16 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: move to multi-site

I will add that is it theoretically possible for a sql guru to combine the databases into one because most tables have dual unique identifiers, ie the mp_Sites table has SiteID and SiteGuid. All the existing dbs probably have the same integer 1 for SiteID so they would clash if you tried to insert the rows with that, but since the SiteGuid is unique one could insert the row without SiteID and it would get a new SiteID on the row, but the relationships to other tables ie mp_Pages (one example) could be restored by queries based on the matching SiteGuid to update the SiteID in related tables.

but it would be a tedious process, probably error prone, and only possible to try by someone who is a real sql guru who understands all the tables and data. so probably not feasible for most people, but still theoretically possible for some

12/5/2014 2:05:22 AM
Total Posts 4
There are some questions that cannot be answered by Google!

Re: move to multi-site

Thanks for the advise. 

I will transfer and keep these sites separate and use a multi-site for all the new sites on the new dedicated server.

All your hard work is much appreciated.

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