How to Disable compatibility mode on IE8

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9/24/2014 9:43:59 AM
Total Posts 1

How to Disable compatibility mode on IE8


Our website looks good in IE8, but many browsers are viewing it in compatibility mode, what does not look so good.

I tried this in the layout.master:   <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EDGE" />

But it doesn't work.

I also tried to add CSS in the style.ie7.css but it doesn't help either (with this in layout.master <portal:IEStyleIncludes ID="IEStyleIncludes1" runat="server" IncludeHtml5Script="false" IE6CssFile="style.ie6.css" IE7CssFile="style.ie7.css" />). We don't want to support IE7, but I thought this would help the compatibility mode to look good.

Is there a way I could force IE8 to stop compatibility mode?

Thank you very much for your help

9/24/2014 4:03:59 PM
Total Posts 2253

Re: How to Disable compatibility mode on IE8


Check the following:

  • The X-UA-Compatible meta tag is before all other meta tags
  • The X-UA-Compatible meta tag is before any conditional IE statements (<!--[if IE 7]>)
  • Proper DOCTYPE declared (<!DOCTYPE html>) See this page for an explanation of how IE will use the DOCTYPE.

Check out the flowchart in this article at MS for a clear understanding of how IE determines the appropriate document mode.

Joe D.

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