Any "modern" and 2014-trendy skins available?

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7/2/2014 7:43:13 AM
Total Posts 28
regards, Svein-Martin Holt Norway

Any "modern" and 2014-trendy skins available?

I am just wondering about a thing. Are there any "modern" and 2014-trendy skins available for download?

I have been using mojoportal for some years on one of my sites ( and are very happy with the portal. Actually I bought webhosting on yesterday and I love what I see there. In minutes I had set up a new mojoportal site from scratch, pressing only some buttons. I will move and some other sites to this webhotel if it seems to be stable.


But, todays question is about skins and design. We can see articles about trends in design on internet, it looks like many designs now are more simple than before, may be because of the expanding use of tablePC's and iPad type devices.

So I wonder if there are available any new skins that are more "modern" and 2014-trendy to download in this community? Or anybody knows about some skins elsewhere? (I have already downloaded what's available on mojoporal download, I will check if there are any new there compared to the examination I did for a few years ago.)


Svein-Martin Holt, Norway

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