Pinterest button

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7/1/2014 2:54:34 PM
Total Posts 4

Pinterest button


How do I add a pinterest button to all blog posts?



7/1/2014 3:13:40 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Pinterest button

There are several ways it could be done. You would start by using their Widget Builder to generate the html for it, then you could either put it in the layout.master file of your skin so it would be on every page of your site, or you could put just the javascript in the layout.master and put the html part into a content template which you would then insert into the blog posts (or any content) from the editor.

7/1/2014 3:36:18 PM
Total Posts 4

Re: Pinterest button

Hi Joe

Thanks for the info. I have added the javascript to the layout.master located in the App_MasterPages folder.

Now I thought to try adding the HTML directly to a blog post but its showing the HTML raw instead of the fancy button and picture.

I cant see how I can add HTMP in the editor window so it works rather than showing the HTMp code itself.




7/1/2014 3:42:30 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Pinterest button

To paste in raw html you have to go to the source view of the editor which shows the raw html. There is a button in the editor toolbar to get to the source view.

7/1/2014 3:43:11 PM
Total Posts 4

Re: Pinterest button

Hi Joe

Ok. I figured it out. Now I would like that button included amongst the facebook button and twitter button on blog posts without having to add the template to each post.

How would I do that?



7/1/2014 3:44:21 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Pinterest button

oh, and the javasacript must go in the layout.master file of your skin which is located under /Data/Sites/[SiteID]/skins/[skinname]

skinname is shown in the skin dropdown in site settings, siteid is usually 1 unless its a multi site installation

putting in in the one in App_MasterPages isn't going to work

7/1/2014 3:48:27 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Pinterest button

the blog has support for the AddThis widget which can show the Facebook, and other sharing buttons even Pinterest. Look in the settigns for the blog. Note that it also supports Facebook like as a separate thing but really the AddThis widget is the easiest way to put them altogether in an organised way. 

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