Blog: error on creating or editing posts

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6/29/2014 2:13:23 AM
Total Posts 128

Blog: error on creating or editing posts

Using latest source code I get an error ("parameter's type doesn't match cached parameters") on creating or editing a blog post (in debug). The problem is the incorrect data type in this line in DBBlog.UpdateBlog:

sph.DefineSqlParameter("@IncludeImageInExcerpt", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 255, ParameterDirection.Input, includeImageInExcerpt);

Stored proc mp_Blog_Update has @IncludeImageInExcerpt bit

This didn't prevent the overall save from working, but we get no error if the above line changes to

sph.DefineSqlParameter("@IncludeImageInExcerpt", SqlDbType.Bit, ParameterDirection.Input, includeImageInExcerpt);

6/29/2014 2:14:04 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Blog: error on creating or editing posts

Thanks for the bug report. This is now fixed in the source code repository.

SQL Server is pretty forgiving about these things as long as the passed data can be coerced to the expected type. So it may not produce an error in production environments, but by design they do throw errors under debug compilation to help us find and fix mistakes like this.



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