Configuring feature showing twice in setup

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6/26/2014 1:38:25 PM
Total Posts 13

Configuring feature showing twice in setup

Hi.  Could anyone explain why I would be having my custom feature showing up twice in the setup? 

Configuring feature Custom Contact Form - 00:00:02.2070412
Configuring feature Custom Contact Form - 00:00:02.2461399

I have checked the QUID and made sure it was unique.

Additionally, I am receiving a System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object error on 

parent.Controls.Add(c); of the default.aspx page. It is only shown for this control and when I debug, I can see the parent.controls and the data in c.  I'm really stuck on this one. 

Any insight would be sooo appreciated. Thank you so much for the help. 

6/27/2014 12:04:01 AM
Total Posts 2253

Re: Configuring feature showing twice in setup

For the module showing up twice in setup, be sure you don't have more than one .config file for your module under setup/applications/.../FeatureDefinitions.

For the NullReferenceException, be sure the ControlSource is set correctly in the FeatureDefinition .config file for the module.

Joe D.

6/27/2014 9:37:02 AM
Total Posts 13

Re: Configuring feature showing twice in setup

Perfect. Thank you. I did find an extra config file hidden in the directory. I didn't see it in my solution but, when looking at the physical directory I could see it.

Thanks again!

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