Displaying MojoPortal data in a GridView on my own page

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6/23/2014 3:18:01 PM
Total Posts 11

Displaying MojoPortal data in a GridView on my own page

Hello Forum:

I read this other forum post (link below) and the pages it links to (SQL Query Tool & Fill Chart Data from a Query). I have found these most helpful.

I want to do what is described in the subject line of this post.

My plan of action is:

- Enable the Query tool
- write and debug the query that extracts the data I want
- store that query as a saved query using the Query Tool
- create a new ascx
- Define a GridView in the markup
- in the C# code, pull the saved query and (using a DataReader), populate the GV

My questions are:

1. Should I use ASP:GridView (standard ASP.NET) or is there a MojoPortal:GridView control I should use?
2. The chart example uses ZGW for rendering and "pulls" the query in the OnRenderUserChart() method. For GV should I "pull & populate" by overriding the OnPreRender() method?
3. Can saved queries do DML (UPDATE, etc.)?

Thanks in advance.


Hello World Quick Start Tutorial

Using The SQL Query Tool

Populating a Chart With Data From a Saved Query

6/27/2014 11:25:49 AM
Total Posts 11

Re: Displaying MojoPortal data in a GridView on my own page

OK I got this to work...main thing I was missing?

The %Import for System.Data...sure make a big difference to IDataReader..


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