This database was originally a SQLCE, then migrated to SQL Server, so that might explain the odd seed value, but that doesn't explain the add sequence. It is still happening:
14423 2014-06-26 20:40:15.853
13423 2014-06-25 21:36:50.967
12423 2014-06-24 10:03:07.233
11425 2014-06-23 04:08:36.647
11424 2014-06-22 17:34:20.477
11423 2014-06-22 17:19:30.600
10423 2014-06-21 17:22:57.583
9423 2014-06-19 22:00:17.297
9422 2014-06-15 13:08:41.120
9421 2014-06-14 19:34:37.860
9420 2014-06-13 08:41:19.453
8420 2014-06-13 06:59:05.763
and SELECT IDENT_CURRENT( 'mp_Users' ) returns 15422 showing that another thousand failed inserts have taken place since the last record was added. I say failed inserts because those would increment the identity value, but so would creating and deleting a row of course. I'm guessing something is regularly trying to create accounts in my site, and gives up after 999 attempts. However the site shows no other signs of being under attack (no spikes in Google Analytics etc).
After adding a new user manually, this goes to 15423 as expected. I cannot make a failed insert through the registration UI - validation appears to prevent attempts to write to the DB, as it should. However I don't see what else could be causing this. I'm not sure whether/how to add a trace to the database hosted on Arvixe? I'll look into this, but any tips appreciated.