Creating a control

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6/11/2014 10:01:18 PM
Total Posts 3

Creating a control

First a caveat. I have been developing applications using for about 5 years. Due to my bosses preferences we don't do much C# or compliled web applications so I have a lot to learn.  I want to use MojoPortal to extend the experience I already and much as currently written meets most of my expectations.  One thing I would like to have is a page where each user can have their own profile..  I wanted to extend the user table and allow people to update the additional fields I would add to the user table.  I thought the easiest way to do this would be to add a user control. Is this the case and if so, what all is involved in doing this?




6/20/2014 8:07:53 PM
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Re: Creating a control

I definitely don't recommend altering/extending any delivered mojoPortal mp_ tables, because then you have forked the code and will have difficulty upgrading in the future.

Take a look a the delivered method to add custom user profile properties. Depending on your needs, that may be all you need. If you have to do any specialized actions based on the contents of your custom properties, you can investigate the available event handlers and see if using one of those would meet your needs.

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